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Accelerating the just transition to the clean economy
re•generation is a Canadian youth-led nonprofit empowering the next generation of leaders to re•think how the economy can better serve ecological and human wellbeing.
Our Mission
We build career development tools for students and young professionals who want to contribute to a more just and sustainable society
We develop capacity-building toolkits for student leaders to influence change within their schools
We empower youth to have conversations about systems change while advocating for public policies that advance a regenerative economy
Our Vision
We believe that the ideal society is a regenerative one. To us, regeneration means putting human and ecological well-being at the centre of every decision. It means restoring relationships, both within nature and within society, while helping all communities to thrive.
A regenerative economy is one that is circular and restorative, rather than linear and extractive. A regenerative economy works to protect and steward the global commons, rather than undermining it. A regenerative economy is one that exists safely within all planetary boundaries, while meeting the minimum social foundations necessary for human beings to flourish.
A regenerative economy recognizes that markets are a powerful tool when embedded within broader social and natural systems, and that there are limits to what markets can achieve. Regeneration entails reinvesting in public solutions to public problems, with a commitment to democratic systems that are accountable, transparent, and serve the public good. Regeneration means reinvesting in communities by building community wealth and fostering economic democracy.

The regenerative economy must be:
- Distributive, by creating prosperity for all, not simply a small minority;
- Pluralist, by recognizing that there is no single solution;
- Just, by empowering all perspectives and voices, particularly non-Western voices;
- Relational, by acknowledging that everything is connected, that we are more than the sum of our parts.
Who We Are
We are a team of 11 staff members focused on compelling private sector actors to adopt more ambitious, purpose-driven goals and empowering youth to demand greater action from their schools and employers. Our team comprises students and young professionals from diverse personal, educational, and professional backgrounds.
After three years of existence under the name “Canadian Business Youth Council for Sustainable Development,” we changed our name to re•generation to become more inclusive to all youth, and to play both on the idea that the future of sustainability is a regenerative one–and that we’re the generation who will make it a reality.

Our Inspiration
re•generation takes inspiration from a long list of pioneering thinkers and organizations united in their calls for a regenerative economy. We pay homage to Paul Hawken’s text Regeneration: Ending the Climate Crisis in One Generation. We are also deeply influenced by the Capital Institute’s eight principles of a regenerative economy and Kate Raworth’s Doughnut Economics framework.
We are deeply indebted to the work of ecological economists such as Juan Martinez-Alier and Jason Hickel, political economists such as Karl Polanyi, Mariana Mazzucato, and Robert Reich, as well as systems thinkers such as Donella Meadows. We take inspiration from the environmental justice movement and post-extractive activists who have taught us that sustainability and social justice must go hand in hand.
We are also influenced by the Democracy Collaborative, the Next System Project, and all others working towards a fairer, more democratic economic system. Above all, we are inspired by the voices of Robin Wall Kimmerer, Vine Deloria, and other Indigenous thinkers and activists working to share the teachings of Indigenous peoples who have been living regeneratively for millennia.
Our Reach and Network
Universities & Colleges
Youth Organizations
Clean Economy Employers
Young Professionals